It’s October and once again I don’t know where the first half of the month went. Projects are firming up in my mind and as always there are too many of them.
I’ve always been an ‘idea’ person. No problem at all thinking of things to do. The big problem for me has always been narrowing it down to what I am actually capable of getting done. The reality is that I am only one person and that there are only so many productive hours available to me on any given day.
Social media can be a boon and a curse at the same time. As a rural artist it gives me a way to share my work and connect in a way that I couldn’t otherwise. But it also has these big hungry jaws that gobble up my time if I’m not careful.
Choosing from all the creative things I’d like to be doing won’t be easy, but I’m starting with ink drawings. I love to draw and don’t do enough of it.
I’m going back to using the desktop app from Toggle to track my time and likely cringing whenever I look at how much time I’ve really spent on social media compared to how much time I’ve been working on my projects.
I started sharing early ink drawings and mixed media on Twitter today using the #inktober2018 hashtag. I’ve missed the first half of October but tomorrow and for the rest of the month, I will be doing my best to post a new drawing a day.

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