Elma’s Mixed Media


Elma Schumacher’s art and writing. Read my Creative Pages Blog or check out the first chapter of my novel ‘Secrets, Lies and Rodeo’. More galleries of original art work will be coming soon. Please visit often.

The Latest from my Creative Pages Blog

  • The worst is over. . .

    Well I am finally feeling settled in our new home. Moving took months and I hope to never have to do it again. So any kind of creative efforts have taken a back seat to getting settled into small town life outside of Edmonton Alberta.

    At this point I am not sure what comes next. I’m still recovering from moving from an acreage to a house in town. My studio space is finally set up and there are so many things to do that finding a place to begin won’t be easy. The list includes getting my art collection in order, documenting everything, finally getting my online galleries live and also beginning new projects.

    I have a couple of quilting projects to get out of the way before I start anything new, a new white board project on my mind and I also hope to start drawing on a regular basis again.

    So for now, I’m starting by sharing a few images of my mixed media work on paper from around the eighties;

More from the Creative Pages Blog.